Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)

If you need disability support, then you may be moving into an accommodation that is more suitable for your needs. However, there’s no guarantee that this type of accommodation is going to be available to you straight away. There could be a short delay while it is set up and established with everything required for you to live comfortably and happily, while ensuring that your independence goals are supported.

This is where medium term accommodation NDIS services can be useful. Medium term accommodation in Hills District is available from our team at Home Caring and will ensure that you don’t feel stuck in a property that is no longer suitable for your needs.


MTA NDIS services provide NDIS clients with a location that they can move into temporarily until their main home is ready. Funding for this type of support can cover a total of 90 days accommodation. This includes the cost of food, internet, and various other everyday living costs that are required to live comfortably and happily in an accommodation.

In some cases, you may receive funding for a long stay in NDIS medium term accommodation. However, you will need to provide evidence that this is necessary.

How To Access Medium-Term Accomodation

If you require MTA NDIS services, then you will need to choose one of the NDIS medium term accommodation providers in Hills District. While there are a variety of companies that offer this service, they are not all equal. As such, it’s important to find a care provider that meets your specific needs and select the best care provider for your purposes. Choosing your own care provider should ensure that you receive exactly what you need and want from a solution like this. However, if you are finding the research daunting as well as time consuming, then we can support you here and help ensure that you have all the information that you need.

Medium Term Accommodation NDIS Benefits

Using medium stay accommodation NDIS Hills District services will provide a variety of benefits. First, this is going to ensure that you have a safe place to reside until your true accommodation is ready for you to access and live in. This means that there is no chance of you experiencing an accident in an environment that isn’t suitable for your needs. It will also provide peace of mind to loved ones who want to ensure that you are safe while you are waiting for your accommodation to be available.

Medium term accommodation is also an environment that provides full support for a variety of needs. Whether you are struggling with a condition like dementia that impacts your mental capacity or a disability that affects your mobility, this type of accommodation will always be suitable for you.

These locations will also provide you with exciting opportunities and the ability to access new experiences that you may not have tried before. It can be a refreshing change of pace in a wonderful location that is again, entirely based on your needs. You’ll be able to meet new people, form new friendships and ensure that this is a wonderful retreat before the next chapter of your life.

Who Is Eligible For This Type Of Accomodation?

You will be eligible for MTA NDIS Hills District services if you already have a home that you are going to be moving into but you can’t move in straight away because your disability support is not yet available. This option is also available if you are unable to remain in your current accommodation while waiting for your support to become available. It is important to be aware that you will need to provide evidence to the NDIS that you require medium term accommodation Sydney services. If you need more support about what this evidence entails and how to submit it then we can assist you here. You can also request a review if you do not agree with the decision provided by the NDIS.

Learn More

We hope this helps you understand the medium term accommodation Hills District services available to NDIS clients from Home Caring. If you are eager to learn more or you want to set up an NDIS plan that includes this option, then please do not hesitate to get in touch. A friendly member of our team will be happy to assist you further and ensure that you gain the answers you need.

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