Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

Are you or a loved one currently living with a disability that requires additional support? If so, then you may be able to explore NDIS funded care plans. The NDIS was established to ensure that everyone with a disability in Australia could live the best quality of life possible, without restrictions or limitations. It is intended to empower individuals to retain their independence while exploring new goals and possibilities. There are various forms of support available including NDIS specialist disability accommodation in Hills District.

Specialist Disability Accommodation Explained

NDIS house or SDA housing Hils District residents can explore is designed for those with high support requirements. It provides individuals with a comfortable and safe place for people to call home that is equipped with everything they require on a daily basis. There are various forms of SDA NDIS housing including shared accommodation, community residential units, and completely self contained homes.

This type of housing is not the same as Support Independent Living (SIL). That refers to support services which are provided to individuals and help them live a more independent lifestyle.

What To Expect From Specialist Disability Accommodation

As you might expect, NDIS housing such as SDA housing is not the same as typical accommodation. As mentioned, this type of accommodation is set up to suit the requirements of those with high support needs. The specific set up will be suited around the client. This is part of the client-centric approach to care and support that we fully embrace at Home Caring. The main purpose of this type of accommodation is to ensure that individuals can reside with dignity while having lots of different choices relating to their care.

Key features could include:

Access for wheelchairs

Physical provisions for those with high support needs

Impact resistant materials

Fall awareness technology

While all of these types of features can be included, we also work to ensure that the properties are comfortable and feel like a real home. The properties are also close to various amenities and transport links. As such, you will never be far from the things that you need and you will always feel part of your local community.

Different Levels of SDA Housing NDIS

There are various different levels of SDA NDIS housing available from specialist disability accommodation providers. This includes:

  • Basic SDA
  • Improved Livability Housing SDA
  • Fully Accessible Housing SDA
  • Robust Housing SDA
  • High Physical Support SDA

The right option will depend on your care and support requirements. For instance, basic SDA support is suitable for those individuals who want to remain in their group home. This will not include specialist design features that are intended to make your life easier and better.

Those with sensory, cognitive or intellectual impairments may benefit from improved livability housing SDA. It includes features that are intended to help individuals navigate their spaces far more easily and ensure that they have a more relaxing, stress-free, daily experience.

Of course, for those who have more severe care and support needs, there are other options. High physical support SDA accommodation is equipped with a wide range of technology to make different physical and mental disabilities far easier to manage.

Who Can Utilise Specialist Disability Accommodation 

SDA housing in Hills District is only available for a small number of participants who are eligible for NDIS support. These individuals will often have some form of extreme functional impairment which means that they need constant care and support.

Once you are approved, you will be able to use your NDIS funding to access the care and support that you need. Be aware that you will need to complete various assessments on a regular basis to check whether your care needs change overtime.

You might be wondering whether you need NDIS SDA Hills District services or the type of SDA you require. If so, then we can help. We can guide you through this process and also lend a helping hand through the application steps. This can be both daunting and time-consuming. However, with our expert team on your side, you’ll be through this stage in no time and able to access the support you require.

If you are interested in learning more about NDIS specialist disability accommodation or how we can help provide for your care needs, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team today. We will always be happy to assist you further.

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